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About Me

I know 90% of people won’t read my page and just judge by what they see, but this is to that 10% that actually will. Hello stranger, my name is Kathryn Joanna, but you may address me as Katie. I’m 15 years old, birthday is August 22nd 1993. Yeah, I know I look young. Currently, I reside in typical old Wake Forest, North Carolina. I really dislike most people in my area, but I enjoy meeting new people from all over, so if you’re local hit me up. :D

I’m somewhat of a playful person, always giggling and smiling and joking around, however, I know when to be mature and serious. I try not to take things or people for granted. My true friends are what means the world to me; they keep me going when times aren’t so easy. I’ve been hurt in more ways than you could imagine. I realized some things in life happen for reasons and you can’t change that.

Sleepovers with my friends, walking around the mall for hours, having my friends drive around in the middle of the night to no where is basically what my life consists of and what I enjoy doing most. I’m not straight edge, but I support people who are. I am not a party girl; I just know how to have fun every now and then.

Call me a grammar Nazi, I know I am. If I don’t reply to you, don't get pissed or anything, but sometimes I just don't have time to reply to your petty messages. Besides, it’s just myspace.

Now, before you go running off with your assumptions about me realize that I am so much different from what you’ve probably heard. I am NOT stuck up, I'm confident, there is a difference people. Disclaimer: just because you’ve read my about me section doesn’t mean you actually know me as a person. This is just a tiny hint as to who I am for the myspace world to read. If you don’t like who I am, how I act, what I wear, take notes: I don’t care! You’re not going to change me. I’m a mature 15 year old woman and I won’t mold myself around other’s opinions of me. You either accept me for who I am or you don’t. At the end of the day it doesn’t matter to me because people that try to change you to their liking aren’t worth your time.

I tend to be very loud and outspoken. Knowledge is power, my intellect is my authority. I use my words and mind as weapons. So I may not be the most book smart nerd around, but I understand people and human actions which makes life a bit easier for me to deal with.

In all honesty, I’m a very complex person. I sometimes wish I could say I’m just a simple girl with simple needs and aspirations, but I’m not. As I’ve stated before, it takes a lot to impress me or gain my attention. I treat people the way they treat me. I don’t look at people for their style or looks, I’m more interested in their minds, what they can teach me, or what I can learn about them. The way I look at things is, there’s always something new to learn each day and I’m always willing to open up and experience new activities.

I have a mind of my own and I’m not afraid to speak it when given the chance. I’m extremely opinionated and argumentative. Some people admire the way I am, some hate it, either way, you won’t be liked by everyone and I can accept that. People typically don’t understand me because I tend to think too deep into things and come up with outrageous conclusions. Trust me, if you could have even a glimpse inside of my mind you’d suffocate.
Name Katie Horvath
Gender Female
Age 15
Location Raleigh, NC
Ethnicity White / Caucasian
Interested in Both
Status In a relationship
Interests tokyo drift, vampires, sitting on the roof, harajuku, parties, music is my life, driving around, lots of other stuff
Quotes "With you my heart will always stay. With you my thoughts will be every day. You remain to be the one that I regret letting get away. Why didn't I say what I needed to say? You are the one I will always use my wishes on. You are the one I will always wish was never gone. I'll constantly wonder what went wrong. I'll forever think of what I could've did that was never done."


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